6 Ways to Celebrate Love During a Global Pandemic

This year, it seems more important than ever to reach out to those you love and check in to make sure that they are doing okay. Valentine’s Day isn’t just about celebrating the love you share with a spouse or partner. It’s about celebrating all those that bring light into your life. We continue doing things a bit different this year during the pandemic but that’s no reason to not celebrate Valentine’s Day so I thought I would share some ideas of how you can spread love and light this February:

  1. Snail Mail: Who doesn’t love getting something in the mail that isn’t a bill or flyer?! Why not send Valentine’s cards or treats by mail! It’s an easy way to brighten someone’s day and to remind them that they matter to you.
  2. A Simple Phone Call: Yesterday, I spent 6 hours talking to my mom on the phone (our new personal record, lol) and it honestly felt like we had spent the afternoon together visiting. Call someone you’ve been thinking about, check in with them. Connection is so important these days.
  3. An Outdoor Meet Up: If the weather is kind, why not plan a get together outside? Enjoy some snowshoeing, sliding, skating, a walk, a weiner roast… There are plenty of things to do outside and even though we still need to maintain physical distance, it’s better than not being together at all. Planning a get together like this also gives you something to look forward to.
  4. Zoom Baking: Before Christmas, my mom, sister and I did a bunch of our Christmas baking together over Zoom. It was so much fun! It truly felt like we were together in person enjoying each other’s company. Why not do some Valentine’s baking together?
  5. Porch Drop Off: Growing up, I remember coming home from school on Valentine’s Day and there was always a cake awaiting us on the kitchen table that my Grandma had dropped off during the day. You can surprise someone with some baking or a yummy casserole and save them having to do the baking/cooking.
  6. Take Care of YOU: The person who needs to be loved the hardest this month by you is you. Take time to rest. Take time to exercise. Take time to get fresh air, write in your journal, read a good book. Prioritize taking care of yourself as if your mental health depended on it… because it does! If you’re needing direction or inspiration of how you can prioritize self care, join us in our self love challenge using the bingo card below.

What are you planning to do to spread some love this February? I am always looking for new and fresh ideas.



One thought on “6 Ways to Celebrate Love During a Global Pandemic

  1. Love this Annick! We all need to be grateful for all that is good in our lives. We also need to be creative about finding different ways to be together! There are lots of ways as you pointed out in this blog post! ❤️


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